You can also check out all the pictures on Flickr: Click Here To View All WalkCanada Photos |
 | June 7 2006 | The Walk is over. |
 | June 7 2006 | We skirted along the side of Cape Spear to the eastern most point in North America. |
 | June 7 2006 | Our final kilometer to Cape Spear. |
 | June 6 2006 | "The Pickering Boys". |
 | June 5 2006 | A slug on the tent. Bobby woke up with one of these guys. |
 | June 4 2006 | My mom walking into the mist along the trail. |
 | June 3 2006 | A bear! Awesome. |
 | June 3 2006 | My parents and my younger brother flew out for the final days of the walk. Someone would drive the car ahead to the next road access to the trail while the others walked along with Bobby and me. |
 | June 2 2006 | We were attacked by mosquitoes. |
 | June 1 2006 | In case anybody was thinking of drinking martinis and driving a snowmobile... it's not allowed. |
 | June 1 2006 | Bobby writing in his journal. |
 | May 31 2006 | Me and Bobby hanging out by a nice bridge. We took the day off at a warm up hut just up the slope. |
 | May 29 2006 | We've hit several warm up huts along the trail. Most of them we've had to forge the forest for dead fall to stock the fire. |
 | May 29 2006 | Another failed food experiment (like Flaba Maka Yaka). This one was scrambled tofu with ketchup and crushed peppers. Sounds good, but tastes bad. |
 | May 29 2006 | A beautiful evening with a waning moon. |
 | May 29 2006 | Our evening shadows being cast onto the trail. |
 | May 28 2006 | Huang walking west... he has a long walk ahead of him. |
 | May 28 2006 | Huang! We met him in a warm up hut along the trail. He too is walking across Canada. He's completed BC, flew to St. John's and is now heading west. It was great to meet a fellow walker. |
 | May 27 2006 | A noisy little squirrel. |
 | May 27 2006 | Our attempt at making bannock. The result: Flaba Maka Yaka. |
 | May 25 2006 | Leaves are back. I love hearing the sound of leaves blowing in the wind. |
 | May 24 2006 | Caribou crossing the trail. Today we saw 15 of them! |
 | May 24 2006 | The Gaff Topsail. The granite Topsails jut out of this tundra-esque area. Very beautiful. |
 | May 24 2006 | Floyd, Betty, and their dog Willow up at the Gaff Topsails. They took us in for the night and let us bask in cabin life. Thank you so much. |
 | May 21 2006 | Something the both of us have been dreaming of for a while now... roasting hotdogs over a fire. |
 | May 21 2006 | A snail on my backpack. The average garden snail can travel 0.04 kilometers/hour. |
 | May 21 2006 | When we were in Corner Brook the lady on the left gave us free tickets to watch a movie. She stopped with her family as they were passing us to say hi. Thanks Linda. |
 | May 19 2006 | Corner Brook reminded me of the Okanagan... home. |
 | May 18 2006 | We've been having camp fires at night. It's very nice to be able to sit outside, unwind, and reflect on the day. |
 | May 18 2006 | A spruce grouse. This very tame bird let us get pretty close. |
 | May 17 2006 | People warned us about moose on the island. There is nothing to worry about... this is usually our view of them. We've seen about 6 moose now. |
 | May 15 2006 | If you don't know what to do with your old car, blow it up and let it rust on the side of a trail. |
 | May 15 2006 | Some of the trestles are down so we have to do river crossings. |
 | May 15 2006 | It's been hot, so we're drinking lots of water. |
 | May 15 2006 | A nice campsite on some wet moss. |
 | May 14 2006 | Our first Newfoundland sunset. |
 | May 14 2006 | This guy had some great stories about the railway and Newfoundland. |
 | May 14 2006 | Walking is nice... so is sitting. |
 | May 14 2006 | We're really enjoying the scenery. The ocean here is so beautiful. |
 | May 14 2006 | Some reminants of the old railway being covered in sand. |
 | May 14 2006 | Walking along the beach. |
 | May 14 2006 | The views are pretty nice on the west coast of NFLD. |
 | May 14 2006 | Walking along the T'Railway. This railbed will take us all the way to St. John's. |
 | May 14 2006 | Some Newfoundland seaweed. |
 | May 14 2006 | The little town of Port-Aux Basques. |
 | May 13 2006 | This was the nice lady who invited us onto the bridge. |
 | May 13 2006 | They let Bobby and I drive the ferry to Newfoundland. |
 | May 13 2006 | The Ocean Blue. |
 | May 13 2006 | A little boat. |
 | May 13 2006 | Our shadows on the ferry deck. |
 | May 13 2006 | We were pretty excited to be on the ferry. |
 | May 13 2006 | Bobby taking a break on the ferry. Reading helps take our minds off the walk. |
 | May 12 2006 | Dave "The General" of the Cape Breton Liberation Army. Anti-Causeway. |
 | May 12 2006 | This picture is best viewed to the Ghostbusters music. |
 | May 10 2006 | We tried capturing splashes, this was one of the better ones. |
 | May 10 2006 | Bobby and I enjoying a grey sunset on the Bras D'Or Lakes. |
 | May 10 2006 | An early morning boat making a cool wake. |
 | May 10 2006 | Another beautiful camping spot on the ocean. This time we camped on higher ground. |
 | May 9 2006 | At night walking along the trail into St. Peters. |
 | May 9 2006 | Checking out the water quality in the ditch. It passed and we had pasta. |
 | May 8 2006 | Some guys checking their lobster traps by the Canso Causeway. |
 | May 8 2006 | Mr. Joe Jellow from the Irving Gas Station gave us some meals and a place to sleep for the night. Thanks Joe. |
 | May 7 2006 | Bobby's backpack burn. |
 | May 7 2006 | Hanging out in the grass. We've been getting a lot of sun... Bobby got a bit of a sun stroke. |
 | May 7 2006 | We met Andrew and Brian in NS. They gave us some nice fresh water, a lobster sandwich for Bobby, and some fruit. Thanks guys. |
 | May 5 2006 | No explanation... |
 | May 5 2006 | Cormorant City. |
 | May 4 2006 | Nova Scotia! We made it! |
 | May 4 2006 | A relaxing cruise took us to Nova Scotia. |
 | May 4 2006 | The PEI flag at the ferry terminal. |
 | April 3 2006 | Hanging out with horses. |
 | May 1 2006 | We didn't make it too much further down the road when these guys intercepted us and invited us in for a bit. PEI is great! |
 | May 1 2006 | Vernon!?! |
 | May 1 2006 | These nice people spotted us in New Brunswick, and by chance we walked by their house here on PEI. They invited us in for lunch too! |
 | April 1 2006 | These two guys are biking from St. John's to Ottawa. They stopped and said hi. |
 | May 1 2006 | Robert and Solange of PEI, friends of Bobby's Uncle. They invited us in for a drink and lunch. |
 | April 30 2006 | The red earth of Mars... or PEI |
 | April 30 2006 | Our feet at the edge of New Brunswick. A preview of the red earth of PEI. |
 | April 30 2006 | The Confederation Bridge. |
 | April 29 2006 | Enjoying the sun V.2 |
 | April 29 2006 | Enjoying the sun V.1 |
 | April 29 2006 | We ate ice cream on some steps in front of a store. Summer is coming! |
 | April 28 2006 | The worlds largest lobster. Taken with our new camera. |
 | April 26 2006 | An anchor! Yippeee. |
 | May 26 2006 | This very nice lady invited us into her Bed and Breakfast for the night. Her place was right on the ocean. |
 | April 26 2006 | The Atlantic! In the far far distance on the horizon you can see PEI: Our next province. |
 | April 25 2006 | We let the Atlantic wash over our boots... |
 | April 25 2006 | We made it to the Atlantic Ocean... Can you believe it? |
 | April 22 2006 | The New Brunswick flag. |
 | April 22 2006 | In Acadieville we met some nice people who invited us into their house. We had a warm campfire too. Thanks Denis and Diane! |
 | April 17 2006 | We took a day off in the woods thinking it would be beautiful weather. This is what it looked like. We spent most of the day in the tent. |
 | April 16 2006 | A lady in Plaster Rock boiled up some eggs for Bobby. |
 | April 15 2006 | Bobby in the rain. |
 | April 15 2006 | Walking in the rain towards New Denmark. |
 | April 14 2006 | Bobby's making some ritz and cream cheese crackers! |
 | April 14 2006 | Outside of St. Leonard the sun set behind our tent. |
 | April 12 2006 | We crossed into New Brunswick... a place where people can be cooler than before... look how cool we are now! |
 | April 12 2006 | Apparently this was supposed to be the freshest, most glacierly water we would find... but it was murky and funky... cool dispensing system though... |
 | April 12 2006 | Bobby and I took a icy dip in Lac T�miscouata. |
 | April 12 2006 | We met a guy named Denis and he invited us into his house. He was really nice, and he filled our water bottles too! |
 | April 11 2006 | Bobby fell down... I helped him up. It was pure chance that this was caught on camera. |
 | April 11 2006 | Sitting on a dock in Cabano, Quebec... enjoying the sun. |
 | April 11 2006 | Some budding pussy willow. Now we just have to wait for the rest of the snow to melt. MELT! |
 | April 11 2006 | A great name for a town if I've ever seen one. |
 | April 10 2006 | Me looking like Scout and apparently saluting incorrectly. |
 | March 26 2006 | La tire d'�rable... delicious. |
 | March 26 2006 | Trees being drained of their sweet sweet nectar.� |
 | March 26 2006 | The Saint Laurence |
 | March 26 2006 | Our friends took us out to a "Cabane � Sucre"... lots of fun... lots of maple syrup! |
 | March 21 2006 | A bird... it must be spring. |
 | March 20 2006 | Glorious sunset on the Saint Laurence River. |
 | March 20 2006 | A nice camping spot behind some cabins. |
 | March 19 2006 | Our friend Steph joined the walk for 2 days... she toughed out a major blister... a blister like I've never seen. Good job Steph. |
 | March 19 2006 | The same view but during the day. |
 | March 18 2006 | A view of Qu�bec from across the river. |
 | March 17 2006 | A Qu�bec street scene. |
 | March 17 2006 | Nice hotel. |
 | March 17 2006 | Vieux Qu�bec is the only fortified city in North America... this is one of the entrances through the wall. |
 | March 15 2006 | A bridge crossing the St. Laurence again... but this time into La Ville de Qu�bec. |
 | March 15 2006 | A car that won't be going anywhere for a while. |
 | March 14 2006 | Another time-exposure taken at night with a full moon.� |
 | March 14 2006 | There are lots of nice picnic spots along the path... it makes for good breaks and cover from the rain we've been having. |
 | March 14 2006 | The trail that we've been using has been pretty snowy. Here is a list of things that you're NOT allowed to do on the trail. |
 | March 8 2006 | The St. Laurence has always been a major landmark for us... so crossing it was special. |
 | March 8 2006 | We've never really considered ourselves pedestrians... so we jumped the fence and walked the bridge. |
 | March 8 2006 | We found the bridge... but it was closed to pedestrians till later that month. |
 | March 8 2006 | Walking through the city of Montreal... trying to find a bridge over the St. Laurence. |
 | March 7 2006 | Beardless! What happened? |
 | March 3 2006 | The fanciest hot chocolate I've ever had. Thanks Montreal. |
 | February 24 2006 | We made it to Montreal! This was the beautiful sign that greeted us. |
 | February 24 2006 | Sometimes it feels very good to be a walker. |
 | February 23 2006 | Walking along the TCT we stopped in an old train station in Prev�st and met this group of people. They gave us muffins and hot chocolate. Thanks! |
 | February 23 2006 | We stopped at the Merrell Headquarters and met all the cool people who work there. |
 | February 23 2006 | Us after our amazing massage. That's all I want now... massages. |
 | February 23 2006 | We were put up at a fancy hotel by Merrell (our very special sponsors). |
 | February 19 2006 | We made a quick stop in Narnia. |
 | February 19 2006 | Wasabi Peas... a great snack! |
 | February 19 2006 | There was freezing rain the other day, and it left everything with a shield of ice.� |
 | February 14 2006 | We're in Quebec now... or should I say: Nous sommes en Qu�bec maintenant. |
 | February 12 2006 | Parliamentaly cool.� |
 | February 12 2006 | A tradition on the canal... Beaver Tails. |
 | February 12 2006 | Bobby showing off his moves on the canal. |
 | February 11 2006 | Bobby's Uncle John joined us for a day near Ottawa... he then took us for some skating and beaver tails in the city... lots of fun. |
 | February 11 2006 | We setup our tent during the night and in the morning, while walking back to the road we saw this sign... we're still alive and well... so no harm done. |
 | February 10 2006 | An awesome guy named Griff Slaughter. We stayed with him in Pembroke... he lent us flannel P.J.'s while we watched movies. |
 | February 7 2006 | Updating our journals in a nice restraunt (where we met Marco and Caroline). |
 | February 7 2006 | We met two hitch hikers (Marco & Caroline) from Montreal going to Surrey. They were very nice and I hope they are able to travel swiftly. |
 | February 5 2006 | We were invited to shovel a motel roof in exchange for a room and dinner. We excepted. |
 | February 5 2006 | The trees that protected us. We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. |
 | February 5 2006 | A snowy campsite. We cut down some pine bows for under the tent... it kept things pretty dry. |
 | February 4 2006 | Our first glimpse of Quebec... just across the Ottawa river. |
 | February 4 2006 | The sled in action. |
 | February 4 2006 | One of our new sleds! They are sweet and sour. It's easy on our backs (when there is snow to pull them on), but our stuff gets really REALLY wet (even with our bag covers on). Also, pulling the sleds on pavement sucks. |
 | February 4 2006 | A camping spot in the woods. |
 | February 2 2006 | As we entered North Bay Bobby got really sick... lucky for us, a very friendly couple let us stay at their house and wait out the sickness. Thanks Allan and Nicky! |
 | January 30 2006 | Lake Nipissing with some ice huts (I think that's what they are called) on the frozen water. |
 | January 29 2006 | This wonderful family took us in. We walked by their house in the night and we were invited in for a drink (Pizza too!). |
 | January 28 2006 | Taking a break on one of our sunniest days yet... Amazing the weather one can have in Northern Ontario in January. |
 | January 27 2006 | Bobby diggin' into a big pile o' poutin. |
 | January 25 2006 | Tim Horton's (I think) makes up about 80% of the garbage we see. Maybe they should look into a better trash control program. |
 | January 25 2006 | Taking a break on the side of the road. |
 | January 24 2006 | We found a great side road and did some night walking. My breath made some nice designs in the night. |
 | January 23 2006 | Some trees... I've run out of things to take pictures off... I wanted to bombard the site with photos... Inspiration will come. |
 | January 23 2006 | We're Back!! After a very nice break, we've returned to "The Walk". |
 | December 19 2005 | Getting our coordinates. |
 | December 17 2005 | Grass in the Wind. |
 | December 16 2005 | We were going to sleep in a barn one night, but many little critters had already made it their home, so we slept outside. |
 | December 15 2005 | We did some night walking in a blizzard... Bobby's beard collected most of the snow from the storm. |
 | December 15 2005 | Bobby the Ice Man. Nice look. |
 | December 7 2005 | Good job Mother Nature. |
 | December 5 2005 | This does not even look like Earth. |
 | December 5 2005 | This section of the TCT is beautiful. We enjoyed a long walk along the beach. |
 | December 5 2005 | A snowy night. |
 | December 3 2005 | Enjoying Lake Superior in the evening. |
 | November 30 2005 | Arrival in Wawa... a big goose. |
 | November 29 2005 | My birthday Sundae!! 24 years old! |
 | November 27 2005 | A battle was waged on the icy lake of Dunk. |
 | November 25 2005 | An icy river. |
 | November 22 2005 | Even though the sun is shining it still gets really cold. At 5pm on this day the temperature was at -13C. Cold. We're told it isn�t really cold yet. |
 | November 22 2005 | Crossing over McLean's River... We weren�t expecting a bridge... so these two icy logs were a pleasant surprise. |
 | November 22 2005 | Walking along the Voyageur Trail is great... no transports, no highway, just fresh air and scenic views of Lake Superior. |
 | November 22 2005 | We've just started walking along the Voyageur Trail... it hasn't been used in a while and there are lots of tree falls along the route. |
 | November 22 2005 | Another sunrise. |
 | November 22 2005 | It's been really cold in the tent lately... I'm not sure what we are doing wrong... |
 | November 21 2005 | Some shimmering light reflecting off the frozen Lake Superior. |
 | November 21 2005 | A cold sunrise on a wet road. |
 | November 20 2005 | A mossy water dispenser. |
 | November 20 2005 | Some nice red rock with icicles always makes for a good photo. |
 | November 19 2005 | This picture doesn't really explain a lot... but the highway got shut down because of a PCB spill... we had the road to ourselves as we walked by kilometres of cars waiting for the road to re-open. It was a nice few hours of highway bliss. |
 | October 19 2005 | When the tent gets wet... we have to dry it off... no matter where we are. |
 | November 19 2005 | It looks like we are getting ghostly white. |
 | November 15 2005 | Making some breakfast under the cover of some trees... SNOW! |
 | November 17 2005 | We celebrated Bobby's birthday all day by stopping at many diners... Here is a lemon meringue pie with a candle in it... Happy Birthday Bobby. |
 | November 10 2005 | HALF WAY! We arrived in Thunder Bay, Ontario! |
 | November 10 2005 | We've been waking up pretty early (5am). We usually eat, pack, and walk in the dark. |
 | November 9 2005 | We crossed over into Eastern Standard Time! 3 hours ahead of home... that's a far distance. |
 | November 9 2005 | A beaver swimming in the water... we didn't get any drinking water from this river! |
 | November 8 2005 | It didn't take long for the snow to melt. It doesn't really matter what the weather is like... it is always appreciated. |
 | November 6 2005 | Delicious Snow! |
 | November 5 2005 | The new snow made our walk far more scenic. We took a break in the woods and it was beautiful. |
 | November 5 2005 | It snowed pretty hard on the 5th. It really changed the landscape into a winter wonderland. |
 | November 4 2005 | While in Ignace, Ont. we got shoes delivered to us. Exciting! |
 | October 31 2005 | We woke in the rain this morning, but it didn't get our spirits down... Happy Halloween! |
 | October 30 2005 | Bobby is stoked... he found his store at last! It sells fishing tackle.� |
 | October 29 2005 | We got these sweet patches made for our backpacks. We're excited. |
 | October 29 2005 | We've been going through Lake of the Woods and there are tonnes of lakes. This is just one of the many that we've passed. |
 | October 29 2005 | The sun was going down as we passed these rocks, so we decided to take some hero shots! |
 | October 28 2005 | We met Robin and Blaise from France who are hitchiking their way to BC. It was really fun hanging out with some travellers. |
 | October 27 2005 | Our secluded camping spot in Kenora... behind a laundromat with lake front property. |
 | October 26 2005 | We watched a movie and setup the tent in the theater to dry it out. We were the only ones in the theater... so why not? |
 | October 26 2005 | Another giant monument... this is the biggest fish I've ever seen. |
 | October 26 2005 | We've arrived in Kenora, a town built along Lake of the Woods... a beautiful area if you ask me. |
 | October 25 2005 | Ontario! Let the province of huge size begin. |
 | October 25 2005 | I was cooking some oatmeal in the morning and I looked up to see 3 deer standing very close. This one was very interested in me. |
 | October 24 2005 | Bobby is seen here getting some TransCanada trail footage. We walked through Whiteshell Prov. Park and it was beautiful. |
 | October 24 2005 | We were walking down a large rock and I took a tumble when I slipped. Luckily the only damage was to my pole. I was able to bend it back into shape and it's working great again! |
 | October 21 2005 | We met some nice people and they surprised us at night with a big jug of hot chocolate and snacks... thanks Minchins! |
 | October 20 2005 | Our first rock we saw that was bigger than a person. A nice sign of getting close to the Canadian Shield. |
 | October 19 2005 | This bison looked like he needed some love. |
 | October 18 2005 | We visited the Louis Riel statue. Hero or Traitor... you decide. |
 | October 16 2005 | Our welcoming sign as we entered Winnipeg. |
 | October 15 2005 | I've been trying to learn some fun songs on the harmonica. We stopped by the tracks and I jammed on the harm as Bobby free-styled with some lyrics. |
 | October 13 2005 | Another awesome sunset... but this time just outside of Holland. |
 | October 13 2005 | I believe we took a wrong turn somewhere back in Glenboro. How did we cross the Atlantic Ocean without even getting our boots wet? |
 | October 12 2005 | We had some fun at night with our head lamps and an open lens on the camera. |
 | October 12 2005 | We saw a giant camel! |
 | October 12 2005 | We came to a school to use the Internet and two grade 12 students interviewed us for their local paper (merged!). We offered them Fudgee-O's... but they didn't want any. |
 | October 9 2005 | Behold... the longest suspension foot bridge in Canada! We walked along it twice and then the road was all bouncy and wavy for the next 2 hours. |
 | October 9 2005 | We became prospectors... but then decided it wasn't a good career move. |
 | October 8 2005 | Not really a nice picture... but it documents us arriving in Friendly Manitoba! Wooo. |
 | October 7 2005 | Our last Saskatchewan sunset. |
 | October 6 2005 | It looks like we only have moustaches in this one. |
 | October 6 2005 | After the snow we set off and took a nice break by a hay bale. If I ever have an office, this one will go on the wall. |
 | October 5 2005 | It got a little too snowy and windy so we headed back into Carlyle and met some wonderful people at "Old Fashioned Foods". They gave us a free lunch and some tea to take with us!! |
 | October 5 2005 | Our tent in the morning... it got far worse as the snow piled up. It's still snowing right now and it's caught us a little off guard. |
 | October 4 2005 | Checking the map to see how close we are to Manitoba. |
 | October 4 2005 | We found this guy with his hands bound on the side of the road. We checked to see if he was still alive... but we were too late. |
 | October 4 2005 | A bull moose charged at me... I survived. |
 | October 2 2005 | Deanne, James, and Lauren send us off from Weyburn. The Garven family gave us a taste of home for a few days. It was very nice to have a comfortable place to stay. |
 | October 2 2005 | Lauren from Weyburn gives us her luck. Thanks Lauren! |
 | September 30 2005 | A beautiful sun rise on the morning of the last day of the month. |
 | September 29 2005 | Bobby pays homage to Radville and everyone from there. |
 | September 29 2005 | Justin and Brandon from Radville Sask. These guys pulled a huge 180 cop stop in the middle of the road when they saw us. They pulled over and delayed their trip to Regina to hang out with us for a while. They were RAD! |
 | September 27 2005 | A garbage can we found along the way... great! And no... Bobby is NOT eating from it... |
 | September 27 2005 | Here I am hiding from the wind behind a hay bale... this is typical day to day procedure: hide behind hay. |
 | September 26 2005 | Bobby and I infront of a passing train... We were walking the line and it was the first train that we've seen in a while. |
 | September 25 2005 | Dennis is biking from Seattle to Chicago. He is the first person I've seen this trip that's doing something along the same lines as I am... cool... thanks for stopping Dennis. |
 | September 24 2005 | The Oasis... the only light for what seems to be days... a Pepsi machine. We dump in all our change and have a few moments of bliss. |
 | September 23 2005 | Signs of a cold night still evident on our tent... |
 | September 23 2005 | We took a mid-afternoon rest in some tall grass. |
 | September 22 2005 | After all our new supplies arrived at the Ponteix Post Office we headed down the tracks... |
 | September 20 2005 | There wasn't a laundromat in Ponteix, so Bobby and I hit up the local car wash... we blasted the dirt right out of our clothes. |
 | September 19 2005 | A drawing that Bobby did of us walking along. |
 | September 19 2005 | Bobby is riding Ponteix's Plesiosaur. |
 | September 17 2005 | A time-lapse taken at night with a full moon. |
 | September 15 2005 | The trail was pretty mucky, and this is what we had to walk on... where does my shoe end and the road begin? |
 | September 15 2005 | Setting up a shot by the side of the road. |
 | September 15 2005 | Bobby and Kyle fishing by the Frenchman River. Where did they get those rods? |
 | September 14 2005 | Some cows staring us down. They either run from us, or run to us... it makes no sense. |
 | September 14 2005 | We dropped in at Eastend... home of "Scotty" the T-Rex. |
 | September 13 2005 | Bobby getting a good foot-soakin'. |
 | September 13 2005 | Hanging out at our first sight of running water. |
 | September 13 2005 | A beautiful sky. This cloud looked like an orca. |
 | September 12 2005 | Here is Bobby getting some water out of a puddle on the side of the trail. Fresh! |
 | September 9 2005 | How Bobby usually walks with 11 blisters on his feet |
 | September 9 2005 | How I usually look when I'm walking. |
 | September 8 2005 | A beautiful sunset. |
 | September 7 2005 | Bobby is knifing his blisters. |
 | September 7 2005 | A celebratory dance at the Saskatchewan border. |
 | September 6 2005 | Bobby's blisters are getting out of control! |
 | September 6 2005 | A pretty nice camping spot if I do say so myself. |
 | September 6 2005 | We stopped in at a colony to fill our water bottles, and they invited us in to talk to the school about what we are doing. It was really fun... they kids gave us a tour of the place and they fed us lunch! |
 | September 6 2005 | A wonderful dinner droped off to us from some friendly Hutterites. They have taken good care of us along this section of the journey. Very friendly people! |
 | September 6 2005 | Our water bottles (We filled them with water from an old hot water heater in an abandoned house). Water has been pretty hard to find. |
 | September 5 2005 | Wheat! |
 | September 5 2005 | A nice photo-op in a field of wheat. |
 | September 5 2005 | Bobby and I in the tent... having a laugh. It's actually pretty roomy in the tent... We have to keep all our bags outside. |
 | April 26 2005 | Then it got really cold and snowed. |
 | April 24 2005 | Burnt and Happy in the sun. |
 | April 24 2005 | Shade is a very rare thing on my trail. I found a silo and hid from the sun for a while. |
 | April 24 2005 | Straightness |
 | April 23 2005 | Flatness |
 | April 22 2005 | I've been listening to music the last few days... it's wonderful. |
 | April 22 2005 | The leaning barn of Milo (a small town in AB). |
 | April 21 2005 | The sun setting behind my tent. I don't think it's normal for people to camp in southern Alberta. |
 | April 21 2005 | Me in a field. If you look close... you can tell I'm starting to look more and more like a worn-down man. |
 | April 21 2005 | This is what I've been seeing for the last week. |
 | April 21 2005 | There is a county called Vulcan in Alberta... I guess they are all Trekies. This is the sign that welcomes you to their county. |
 | April 4 2005 | Welcome to Calgary... a welcoming sight. |
 | April 3 2005 | The mountains behind me, during the beautiful sunrise. |
 | April 3 2005 | My first Alberta sunrise. |
 | April 1 2005 | A whisky jack trying to take away my sweet, sweet crackers. |
 | April 1 2005 | The last of the dance |
 | April 1 2005 | Woppy woppy wooo wah |
 | April 1 2005 | Zipidy Zoo Ya. |
 | April 1 2005 | My "I'm in Alberta Dance". |
 | April 1 2005 | Another shot of the RMS. I'm glad these guys didn't come after me. Two of them were having a bit of a fight with their horns. |
 | April 1 2005 | Some Rocky Mountain Sheep heading up the side of a cliff. |
 | March 31 2005 | The gateway to Alberta and the Peter Lougheed Prov. Park. So much SNOW! I wonder why the road is closed hey? Finally Alberta. |
 | March 30 2005 | Yet another beautiful mountain photo. |
 | March 29 2005 | This is one of many scenery shots I'm going to post. My trek in the Rockies was amazing. |
 | March 26 2005 | Welcome to Fernie. One of my last civilized stops before crossing the boarder into Alberta. |
 | March 24 2005 | Pickering Hills? Who would have guessed there would be such a place! Awesome. |
 | March 23 2005 | A beautiful view? The Rockies are amazing. |
 | March 21 2005 | On one of the coldest mornings I've had so far, my tent had a good coating of frost. It makes for cold hands when packing it. |
 | March 16 2005 | Stoking the fire in a cabin on the Kootanay Pass. It 'twas a pleasant night. |
 | March 15 2005 | I thought this sign was a little funny/gruesome... so... here it is. |
 | March 13 2005 | The Dewdney trail: Very different from the relaxing rail beds I've been walking on. |
 | March 10 2005 | A facial hair update. Looking scraggly. |
 | March 10 2005 | Possibly some bad weather coming in? It rained a little that night. |
 | March 10 2005 | Need I explain this picture? A skull on a gas pipeline sign. |
 | March 11 2005 | About to enter a dark cave just outside of Grand Forks |
 | March 9 2005 | An silhouette of a horse on the horizon. |
 | March 9 2005 | After Rock Creek, a dog named Ralphie decided to walk with me. He followed me for a few hours, then I took him to the police because he was really far from home. |
 | March 9 2005 | Just outside of Rock Creek, I found the only water source for a few kilometers. I was a little iffy about filling up my bottles from it because it was right on the side of the road... in a ditch. |
 | March 8 2005 | A relaxing time was had at Kettle Valley Park. I unpacked my stuff to dry out after the night rain. |
 | March 6 2005 | Yet another photo of the trail before me. |
 | March 6 2005 | Getting water out of a little creek can be difficult sometimes. |
 | March 6 2005 | Toby (Stephen's dog) had a good sleep on our legs the previous night. I think he was happy to get out in the morning.� |
 | March 5 2005 | Stephen Atherton and his dog Toby walked with me for a day. |
 | March 1 2005 | The remnants of the Kelowna fires in Okanagan Mountain Prov. Park with the Kelowna bridge in the background. |
 | February 28 2005 | Where I finally gave up for the day. This was probably the most beautiful area I've camped so far. It over-looked Penticton and Okanagan Lake. |
 | February 28 2005 | Me looking over the orchards of Penticton. |
 | February 28 2005 | If you've ever wondered where Silk comes from, it's grown in the fields outside of Penticton. |
 | February 28 2005 | Some more "wild life". |
 | February 28 2005 | 7 BONE! This is dedicated to the 7 Bone crew. Check out |
 | February 28 2005 | The sun shinning through the clouds as I entered Penticton. Once again, the camera doesn't do it justice. |
 | February 28 2005 | Early morning where I camped on Okanagan Lake. |
 | February 27 2005 | My first glimpse of Okanagan Lake with the small town of Summerland in the foreground. |
 | February 26 2005 | A street sign that caught my eye. Check out the other street sign too(the angled one). |
 | February 23 2005 | My sister Kath joined up with me for 5 days. She loved that awesome looking hat so much she never took it off :) |
 | February 8 2005 | I thought the sun was nice, and enjoyed the heat on my face. The effect: SUNBURN!��What's with my hair... it seems to defy the laws of nature. |
 | February 7 2005 | It kind of sucks looking at my pictures. My digital video camera takes pretty grainy pictures... I wish it could capture the beauty of these sights. |
 | February 7 2005 | A beautiful shot of the trail ahead of me. It's amazing how easy it is to walk all day when the sun is out. |
 | February 7 2005 | My kitchen. |
 | February 6 2005 | The river I had to cross... Its name: Cold Water River. It was very appropriately named. |
 | February 6 2005 | I got to a river without a bridge... but it wasn't too deep... so I crossed it barefoot. It came up to my thighs (I misjudged the depth). I had to do it twice... and it wasn't at all pleasureable. |
 | February 6 2005 | My humble abode. |
 | February 6 2005 | I couldn't act natural for this one. "Smile!" I look pretty ridiculous all bundled up. |
 | February 6 2005 | The area I was walking through... Very beautiful. |
 | February 6 2005 | My sweet camping spot. I had to hike up the side of the valley to get to the tunnel. It's caved-in, and the railway that went through it has been long abandoned and over grown, making it unusable. |
 | February 5 2005 | I'm trying to look like I didn't know the picture was being taken... but since I'm the only one out there taking pictures, it's a little hard to act natural.��Note: Check out the snow/ice on my "beard"... I'm stoked on it! |
 | February 5 2005 | I got to walk through this pretty cool abandoned tunnel. When I first saw it, it looked so gothic and out of place... it was chilling... or was that the cold weather? |
 | February 4 2005 | It didn't take long to hit the snow line. It wasn't that bad at the begining... just a little snow to crunch under the feet. |
 | February 4 2005 | The snow line was very definite. I was hoping the sun would melt it away forever... alas... nature doesn't work that fast. |
 | February 4 2005 | My Dad hiked with me along the trail for a few days. It was so great having the company. |
 | February 4 2005 | One of the Othello Canyon tunnels. My Dad and I slept a night in the opening of this mighty hole in the canyon wall. |
 | January 24 2005 | At first, I though there was a bunch of foam drifting down the Fraser River, but on closer inspection, I discovered that there was actually tonnes of snow being pushed down the river. It looked quite beautiful. |
 | January 24 2005 | The sunset over the western hills. I think this is the first time on this trip I've seen the sun go down. |
 | January 24 2005 | I've been seeing these and similar signs on farm land. I have no idea what Bio Security is, but it sounds serious. |
 | January 23 2005 | All the rain we've been having did some flooding. This is a small playground a few feet under water. |
 | January 23 2005 | A funny looking guy. |
 | January 23 2005 | Some "wild life" along the trail. |
 | January 20 2005 | Vernon, BC needs one of these bad boys. |
 | January 20 2005 | The road along the Matsqui Trail. |
 | January 18 2005 | Kyle Street in Port Moody |
 | January 18 2005 | As I was walking, I saw this sign and almost died. |
 | January 12 2005 | Moi... Exhausted after climbing a big hill. |
 | January 12 2005 | A view of Vancouver |
 | January 12 2005 | The forest ceiling. |
 | January 12 2005 | Another snowy trail coming into Vancouver. |
 | January 12 2005 | The view from the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. |
 | January 8 2005 | The ocean. |
 | January 8 2005 | Some fresh snow on the trees. |
 | January 8 2005 | A snowy road leading out of town. Finally some blue skies. |
 | January 9 2005 | My saviours in Chemainus. |
 | January 6 2005 | The reason the Kinsol Trestle is closed. |
 | January 6 2005 | The mighty Kinsol Trestle. I was wondering when I was going to finally see it, and then there it was� peeking through the trees. |
 | January 6 2005 | Another cold and snowy looking path. |
 | January 6 2005 | Me.. quite happy. |
 | January 6 2005 | My bypass route sign. It�s always nice to know you are on the right path. |
 | January 6 2005 | My boot and my walking poles. If I hear �where are your skis�, or �how�s the skiing� any more, I�m going to puke. |
 | January 6 2005 | The park sign at Koksilah River Provincial Park. This was the route I took to get around the Kinsol Trestle. |
 | January 5 2005 | My cold and snowy path: An abandoned rail bed. |
 | January 5 2005 | This sight reminded me that I have a camera... It became my first photo during my walk. A dead deer along the side of the highway, yet to be disturbed. |
 | January 4 2005 | Adam (first person to walk with me) joined me on the first day as I set off from a beach at the west coast of Victoria. |